AED functions both as an Honor Society and Service Organization. This dual role is reflected in the societal structure and chapter activities.
Government – The business of the Society is conducted by the National Officers, Regional Directors, and active chapters, with authorization of the national convention.
The National Officers are elected by the official delegates at national convention for a two-year term and serve without remuneration.
The Regional Directors assist the National Officers with chapter installations, contacts and visits, conventions, and scholarship programs. The delegates elect each Regional Director for a two-year term at the national convention from chapters in the appropriate region.
General administration of Society activities is conducted through the office of the National Secretary.
Chapters – Chapters may be established in four-year degree-granting accredited colleges and universities. The process requires submission of a petition to the National President, following the outline provided by the National Office. You are invited to contact the National Office for information regarding chapter establishment.
National Convention – The national convention, held biennially, is the governing body of AED. Each member is invited to attend and participate in its program. The National Officers, with the cooperation of the host chapter and Regional Director, arrange the place, date and program of the convention. One official delegate represents each active chapter at the convention. The official chapter delegates constitute the voting members at the business sessions during the convention.
Affiliations – AED is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.