AED chapters may cease to function for many reasons — sometimes this is permanent. It is gratifying to hear from individuals at an institution previously chartered with an AED chapter, who wish to become members of a reactivated chapter. For reactivation approval you must submit a
reactivation plan that must include the following:
- Two letters of support from the university/college administration
- Name and letter of support from the person who will serve as Chapter Advisor with contact information, including e-mail address
- Names, overall GPA and Science GPA of all potential “ reactivating members”
- Names of the chapter officers (refer to Duties of Chapter Officers) who will serve in the reactivated chapter. The officers should include members other than seniors in order to insure a knowledge of and continuity for AED activities during the year following the chapter’s reactivation
- Submit a new or revised chapter constitution and bylaws for approval
- Reactivation Fee – $300.00
You will receive:
- Reactivation Charter – framed. We cannot reproduce your original charter
- Set of Ritual Placards
- An AED National Officer or a Regional Director will attend your reactivation ceremony
Upon approval of your reactivation by the Society, the AED National Office must receive the following before your reactivation is officially recognized:
• Completed Membership Record Forms (MRF — can be downloaded from the AED website) must be submitted to the National Office for each AED member including chapter officers and advisors if not
already national members – chapter officers and advisors must be registered members. Please remember for National membership (refer to the AED website), each member is required to have a minimum 3.3 science and overall GPA in a 4.0 grading system. However, chapters may have additional membership requirements included in their Constitution and Bylaws including higher GPA’s.